Pyro Classic Package SAVE UP TO $448!
Pyro Classic Package - SAVE UP TO $448
The Pyro Classic is New Zealand’s cleanest, most efficient wood burning fireplace.
Reduce your heating costs – compared to a conventional fire’s steel firebox, the Pyro Classic’s ceramic chamber will burn less wood to maintain its temperature.
Genuine overnight burn – keep your home warmer for longer.
A healthier home – the gradual and even release of heat from the Heat Sustainer (even after the actual fire has burned down) can fight one of the leading causes of dampness – cold rooms.
Pyro Classic Package Contains:
- Pyro Wood Fire 100+ Colour Variations to choose from.
- Pyro Woodbin: 4 options to choose from.*
- Pyro Wall Protection 4 options to choose from.**
- Re-usable Firelighters: Firelighting made easy
Step 1: Choose Base Colour
- Select a matching base colour for the door, double flue shield, and woodbin/raised bench.
- Choose from grey or black.
Step 2: Choose Panel Colour
- Over 100 Dulux Colours to Choose from.
- Click here to view Dulux colour options
Step 3: Choose a Woodbin
- Choose a Woodbin or Raised Bench from the following three options. (see images)
- *Some wood bin options may incur extra charge.
Step 4: Choose Wall Protection
- Choose a Wall Screen or Flue Shield from the following three options. (see images)
- **Custom-sized wallscreens also available and may incur extra charge.
Click here to view our Installation Gallery
Pyro Classic Package from $4999.00 incl GST